Hubert Wang

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Hubert Wang

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Ryuichi Sakamoto: Playing the Piano 2022

“As a person involved in culture, my one source of hope is the fact that art, music and poetry never once stopped over the 200,000 years of history that Homo sapiens have been around.”
— Ryuichi Sakamoto (From the July, August, September, 2020 collated edition of GQ Japan.)


‘My fave’s on fire’ by Rin Usami 《本命,燃燒》宇佐見鈴

2022.10.19 日,记


豆瓣上印象最深的短评是 “要文学小说网络化。不要网络小说文学化。” 是另一个让我想看这本书的原因。读一半了也确实可以感受到自己在读文学作品而不是网文。比如“刹时宛如蝉鸣入耳般骚然,仿佛在我沉重脑子里产下无数卵,然后羽化似的开始鸣叫。”作者笔力......


Trip to Portland

My 3-day vacation trip to Portland to enjoy life. 2022/8/21 - 2022/8/23