Hubert Wang

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Hubert Wang

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Gamification - 1 - [Course Notes]

This is really a fun coursera course to study and I truly recommend this course for learning gamificaiton.


The complete course notes is composed of two blog posts:




Inclusive Front-End Design Patterns - Reading Notes

We might not realize it, but as developers, we build inaccessible websites all the time. It’s not for the lack of care or talent though — it’s a matter of doing things the wrong w......


React Study Notes

This is the React study notes I made when I started to learn React.


In the study process, I've learned from more than 20 tutorials &......


Apple Watch: Jump to the Next Curve

I bought an Apple Watch 2 weeks ago. After 2 week-long trial of using the apple watch, it is likely the next curve of consumer electronics in my opinion. Here are 6 points why I fo......


Grubhub Business Analysis and Prognosis

This is the final presentation of FSM course.

Speaker: Xiaojun, Arthur, Hector, and me.

You can have a look at this more detailed report: Grubhub - Market Analysis & Busine......


Grubhub - Market Analysis & Business Strategy

This is the course report of analyzing Grubhub's Market and Business. PDF download


Author: Arthur M Sampaio, Hongyang Wang, Hector Guo, Xiaojun Li


Date: Nov......